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What causes fluid in the uterus after menopause?

Written by Abigail Walker - January 23, 2023

What Causes Fluid in the Uterus After Menopause?

Menopause marks the biological transition from a woman’s reproductive years to her post-reproductive years. It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, with most women going through menopause around age 51. As a woman enters this phase, her ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone—two hormones needed for the body to regulate its menstrual cycle. As hormone production decreases and eventually stops, certain physical changes occur commonly associated with menopause, including fluid retention in the uterus.

When hormonal levels drop during menopause, it can cause an increase in fluid pressure outside of cells that make up uterine tissue. This excess pressure causes fluids to move out of the blood vessels and into the space between cells, resulting in water retention or swelling in the uterus.

Other Potential Causes
Aside from hormone depletion, other factors may contribute to increased fluid retention in the uterus after menopause:

  • Uterine prolapse: This occurs when pelvic muscles are weakened by childbirth, obesity or aging and can no longer support the uterus as they should. The uterus then droops down into or near to the vagina, pressing against nearby organs like a balloon filled with fluid.
  • Endometriosis: If a woman had endometriosis before menopause, she may continue to experience symptoms such as pelvic pain and abnormal heavy bleeding due to fluid accumulation around existing cysts.
  • Ovarian cysts: During menopause ovarian cysts often form due to residual hormones circulating throughout her body. They can fill with fluid and put pressure on other organs like her uterus causing air retention issues.
  • Obesity: Excess fat cells store additional water which can contribute to overall water retention including that in your womb area leading to bloating or swelling of your lower abdomen including the area around your womb.
  • Stress: Experiencing significant stress levels leads to an increase of cortisol levels which often promotes water retention especially around vital organs like your womb area leading yet again to swelling or bloating related feelings there too continuing for some days after stress has passed as well as during it all contributing further too this symptom of post-menopausal life for many us ladies!

Treating Fluid Retention in Uterus After Menopause
The above conditions are treatable either medically through hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and/or natural remedies like dietary changes; exercise; yoga; acupuncture; massage; herbs & supplements etc… In addition there is also professional help available with excellent experienced practitioners at HGH Treatment clinic who specialize exclusively working with ladies experiencing all types of hormonal imbalances related health issues including those commonly experienced during our post-menopausal life phases!

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